Friday, October 15, 2010

Foxy Friday Finds

This week has not went as planned.  Ever have one of those weeks where you plan one thing and end up doing 20 others?  That has definitely been my week.  I have been a little under the weather the past two days so that has thrown my plans a little off this week.

Well I did have some good things happen today.  My sink has arrived!!  Mr. Fix-it and I went today to pick up some shelving brackets at Lowes and found out our sink had came in early!

The sink is much nicer than I remembered.  I can't wait for hubby to get off this round of work and start installing the island.  He works 5 nights on and 5 nights off.  Of course today is his first night going back to work so my island won't start going in till Wednesday of this coming week.  He did get some more bead board and some molding put in this week while he was off.   At least the end is in sight.

These are the original brackets I was considering. - Photo from Lowes
As I said we went to Lowes today to purchase some shelving brackets for the open shelves we are putting in the kitchen.  I had looked online and had chosen for a sleeker-looking lower cost bracket.  When we got to Lowes today we lucked up!

The Lowes I go to had lots of their shelving brackets on CLEARANCE!  We bought  6 packs of brackets (2 brackets in each pack for $5.32) which ended up being a third of what we were expecting to have to pay and they are a little more decorative that I had picked out originally.
These are the ones I found on clearance! - Photo from

I think they will look wonderful.  We also picked out boards for the shelving.  I do not want the white laminate shelving boards.  I want to paint pine boards for a little more causal look.  I am thinking about distressing the edges.  Mr. Fix-It and I are considering several different possible edges for the shelves.  I think I may live with them a little while before I decided on the edge design.

This is the kitchen wall where the open shelves will be going.  All the clear jars sitting on the counter top will be stored on the shelves along with some bowls and things.  Remember it is a renovation in progress.
On a random note...I just have to hubby had went to pay the florist from where he had sent his mom some flowers while she was in the hospital recently.  He shows up at my office where I work with this bag.  He calls me Bambi (long story) and he says "I bought this to guard Bambi when I am not around."  I look in the bag and there is this adorable little gray fox made from grass.  The little fox is so different and was so sweet.


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